Usps Zip Code Database With Postal Zones Download Free

When you download our U.S. or Canadian Postal CodeOM databases, you can choose between 4 separate formats for download, saving on conversion time and effort. Our zip codes database has the most comprehensive and precise data that you will find. You can perform free database lookups on our website with our software or you can download our ZIP codes database for data manipulation. Our free ZIP codes finder helps you find the ZIP codes and related demographic information for any U.S. or Canadian Postal CodeOM.

ZIP Code & Postal Code Facts

Zip Codes are largely responsible for the automation of the United States Post Office’s mail handling. Today, over 600,000,000 pieces of mail are delivered each business day, and our mail can take as little as one day to reach its destination. Back in 1799, it could take three weeks for a letter to travel from Lexington, Massachusetts to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The cost of mail was relatively much higher back then. It cost twenty-five cents to send a letter 450 miles – not much less than it costs today to send a letter anywhere in the country, and in considerably less time!

Today, many of us in the United States expect to have our mail delivered to our homes and offices at no extra charge. Before July 1, 1863, city residents had to pay to have a postal worker bring their mail to them; rural customers had to travel to pick up their own mail for another 30 years. Zip codes wouldn't have helped much in those days.

For the purposes of our free zip code database downloads, we will commonly list either the most common region for the ZIP code or list multiple regions if several exist in the ZIP code. For cities, the assignment is somewhat more complicated. USPS does not always use the city in which the ZIP code is located. If you want to send more than pieces of Every Door Direct Mail per ZIP code, sign in as a BMEU customer to continue. Need more information on Every Door Direct Mail (BMEU) requirements? Learn more ›.

Usps zip code database free

Many famous Americans have been postal workers. Benjamin Franklin is known as “The Father of the United States Postal Service.” Abraham Lincoln was postmaster of New Salem, Illinois in the 1830’s, and it is rumored that he personally delivered mail by carrying it in his hat along with a list of delivery places. Harry S. Truman was postmaster of Grandview, Missouri for a time. William Faulkner was postmaster of the University of Mississippi Post Office.

Perhaps the most romantic era in our United States postal history is that of the Pony Express. Before then, stagecoaches took more than 20 days to deliver mail from coast to coast. In 1860, William H. Russell bought strong horses and put a listing for good horseback riders in newspaper ads that read: “Wanted: Young, skinny, wiry fellows not over 18. Must be expert riders willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred.” Russell’s Pony Express was in service for 18 months, cutting the time it took for mail delivery coast to coast in half. The service closed in 1861 when telegraph lines connecting the coasts were finished being laid, allowing people to send information much faster and cheaper than they could by Pony Express.

The history of the United States Post Office is filled with fascinating data and amusing facts. Did you know the first Post Office in the United States was actually a tavern? Or that the United States employed camels to deliver mail over deserts in the Southwest? Or that one of the first airmail deliveries involved a three mile flight, and that the pilot dropped the bag of mail from the flying plane to a postmaster waiting below?

Zip Codes didn’t come into use until 1963. Their inventor, Robert Aurand Moon, is known as the “Father of ZIP Codes” and was nicknamed “Mr. ZIP Code.” Another character also went by this name: the lovable cartoon ambassador, Mr. Zip or Mr. Zippy, who some think was largely responsible for the success of United States ZIP code compliance.

And just what are ZIP Codes? And how does the United States Post Office use them? What do the numbers stand for? Where does the ZIP code data come from? How about the ZIP + 4 Codes? There’s plenty to learn about the Zoning Improvement Plan Codes!

To learn more about our ZIP Code finder - US ZIP Code Database Lists with Demographics Information, please view our FAQ's.

Load USPS Zip Code File (LZPS)

Purpose: Use this option to upload city/state/zip data from the U.S. Postal Service into the City/State/Zip (postal code) table.

Overview: The City State product, available from the U.S. Postal Service, provides a listing of ZIP codes with their associated city or town and state names. Updates are available on a periodic basis. Uploading this information provides an automated means to create records in your City/State/Zip table and keep the data in the table complete and accurate.

In this topic:

Upload Process

Load USPS File Screen

Fields in the USPS Zip/City/State Table

Fields in the Zip/City/State Table

Troubleshooting the Zip/City/State Upload

Upload Process

1. When you receive the City State product, copy the data file to the location on your application server specified in the CWDIRECTCP_USPS_ UPLOAD_FILE setting in the CWDirectCP Properties File. By default, this setting indicates a file name of ctystate.txt in the C:CWSerenadeLZIP directory on your application server, but you can override this default.

2. While logged onto the application server specified by the properties file setting and where the data file has been copied, advance to the Load USPS File Screen. From this screen, you can submit the LZPS job, which uses the contents of the ctystate.txt data file to create records in the Zip/City/State table if these records do not already exist. The job performs the following steps:

• First, the job deletes any existing records in the USPS Zip/City/State work table and creates a record in this table for each eligible entry from the ctystate.txt data file. A record in the data file is eligible for upload if it is flagged with a D (detail) and is also flagged as mailable. See the Fields in the USPS Zip/City/State Table for mapping details.

• Next, the job compares the data in the USPS Zip/City/State work table with the existing records in the Zip/City/State table. If a record in the work table does not exist in the Zip/City/State table, the job creates it.

• Finally, if your current logging level supports it, the job uses the CWSerenade Application Log to track data such as the total number of records found in the data file and the total number of new records created in the.Zip/City/State table.


• The ctystate.txt data file as delivered by the U.S. Postal Service does not include delimiters between records, but the U.S. Postal Service does provide a utility to insert line breaks to make the data more readable. Important:Do not use this utility to transform the presentation of the records in the data file; if you do, the Load USPS File job will not work.


• The job does not create City/State/Zip Tax records. To create tax records at the postal code level if needed, use Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP).

• The entire process can take several minutes to a half hour to run. You can expect the job to take longer to run if you are creating records in the City/State/Zip table for the first time.

• The job tracks activity in the application log only if your current logging level (as specified in the MQ_LOG_LEVEL in the Logging Properties File) is set to INFO or higher.

For more information: See Troubleshooting the Zip/City/State Upload.

Load USPS File Screen

Before you start: Before you advance to this screen, confirm that you have copied the City State product data file from the U.S. Postal Service to the file name and location specified in the CWDIRECTCP_USPS_ UPLOAD_FILE setting in the CWDirectCP Properties File. By default, this setting indicates a file name of ctystate.txt in the C:CWSerenadeLZIP directory on your primary application server, but you can override this default. When you select the LZPS menu option, make sure you are logged onto the application server specified by the properties file.

How to display this screen: Select Load USPS Zip Code FIle from a menu, or enter LZPS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu.

City State data file found? When you select this menu option, the screen indicates whether there is a data file with the correct name in the location indicated by the properties file:



***ERROR: File cannot be located at C:CWSerenadeLZIPctystate.txt.

Indicates that there is no file with the name and location indicated in the properties file. Copy the data file using the directory and file name indicated, and then return to the Load USPS File screen to try again. Also, make sure that you are logged onto the application server specified in the properties file.

***ERROR: File is empty.

Indicates that there is a file using the correct name in the directory indicated, but it contains no data. Copy the original data file using the directory and file name indicated, and then return to the Load USPS File screen to try again.

File has been found and is ready to be loaded. Click Accept to submit.

Indicates that you can proceed with the upload process.

Note: This message indicates that the system has located a file with the correct name and location and that it contains data. It does not indicate whether the file includes postal code data or whether it is in the correct format. See Troubleshooting the Zip/City/State Upload for possible problems and steps to correct.

Completing this screen: If the file has been found and is ready to be loaded:

1. Optionally, deselect the Submit on hold option if you would like the job to run immediately; otherwise, you will need to select Release for the LZPS job at the Job Management Screen when you are ready to run it.

2. Click Accept to begin the upload process and launch the LZPS job. You might expect the job to take several minutes to a half hour to complete, depending on how many new postal code records you are loading.

Updates: See the Upload Process for an overview of the processing steps.

Fields in the USPS Zip/City/State Table

Purpose: The LZPS job reads each record in the file specified by the CWDIRECTCP_USPS_ UPLOAD_FILE setting in the CWDirectCP Properties File (the City State product file from the U.S. Postal Service) that is:

• flagged with a detail code of D


• identified as mailable by a setting of N at byte 56

Usps Zip Code Data

The job clears the previous contents of the USPS Zip/City/State work table and then writes the selected records from the City State data file into the USPS Zip/City/State work table as follows:

USPS Zip/City/State work table

City State data file from U.S. Postal Service

Copyright detail code


Zip code

Bytes 2-6

City state key

Bytes 7-12

City state name

Bytes 14-39 (last 3 bytes are truncated)

City st mail name ind

Byte 56

State abbrev

Bytes 100-101

Usps Zip Code Download Free

The remaining fields in the USPS City/State/Zip work table are left blank.

Fields in the Zip/City/State Table

After creating the records in the USPS City/State/Zip table, the LZPS job creates new records in the City/State/Zip table if they do not already exist, mapping the data from the USPS City/State/Zip table as follows:

City/State/Zip table



Zip code from USPS Zip/City/State work table


State abbrev from USPS Zip/City/State work table


City state name from USPS Zip/City/State work table


The company number where you ran the LZPS job


The Default Country for Customer Address (B17) in the company where you ran the LZPS job

The remaining fields in the City/State/Zip table are left blank.

Troubleshooting the Zip/City/State Upload

Usps Zip Code Database With Postal Zones Download Free Windows 10



How long does it take to upload postal codes?

It can take several minutes to a half hour to upload postal codes for the first time.

Where can I obtain the postal code data?

The U.S. Postal Service can provide the City State product, which includes a comprehensive list of ZIP codes and related cities and states.

Where does the LZPS job look for the City State data file I obtained from the U.S. Postal Service?

When you open the Load USPS File Screen, it checks the file name and directory specified in the CWDIRECTCP_USPS_ UPLOAD_FILE setting in the CWDirectCP Properties File. By default, this setting indicates a file name of ctystate.txt in the C:CWSerenadeLZIP directory on your primary application server, but you can override this default.

How can I check on whether the postal codes were uploaded successfully?

If you are uploading the information for the first time, you can select the Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP) option to see if records have been created. If you are performing a periodic update, you can check the application log, provided your logging level supports it; see below for more information.

I just ran the LZPS job. Why aren’t there any entries in the application log?

The job tracks activity in the application log only if your current logging level (as specified in the MQ_LOG_LEVEL in the Logging Properties File) is set to INFO or higher. See the Logging Properties File for information on applying a different logging level.

What do log entries look like for a successful upload?

Sample log entries indicating a successful upload:

10:41:44,267 INFO APP - LZPS total records in delivered file = 466079

10:41:44,267 INFO APP - LZPS total detail records = 80174

10:41:44,267 INFO APP - LZPS total detail records flagged as Do Not Mail = 25035

10:41:44,267 INFO APP - LZPS total detail records flagged as Mail =55139

10:41:44,267 INFO APP - LZPS total detail records written to USPS file = 55139

Note: The total number of detail records written reflects those detail records in the data file that were eligible for selection as described in the Upload Process, and were created in the USPS City/State/Zip work file. This number might not be the same as the total number of records added to the City/State/Zip table, since the job does not add a record to the City/State/Zip table if the record already exists.

What is the importance of the total number of records noted in the application log?

total records in delivered file:the total number of records in the data file located at the file name and directory specified in the CWDIRECTCP_USPS_ UPLOAD_FILE setting in the CWDirectCP Properties File

total detail records: the total number of records in the data file flagged with a D (detail).

total detail records flagged as Do Not Mail: the total number of records in the data file flagged with a D (detail) but also flagged as Do Not Mail (not mailable), and so are not eligible for selection.

total detail records flagged as Mail: the total number of records in the data file flagged as mailable and that were also flagged with a D (detail).

Note: Only records in the data file that are flagged with a D and are also flagged as mailable are eligible for selection.

total detail records written to USPS file: the total number of records in the data file that were eligible for selection and were added to the USPS City/State/Zip work table. This total may differ from the number of records added to the City/State/Zip table, since some or all of the records written to the USPS City/State/Zip work table might already exist in the City/State/Zip table.

I uploaded the ctystate.txt file from the U.S. Postal Service. Why didn’t it create any records?

Possible explanations:

• The U.S. Postal Service provides a utility to add delimiters between each record in the data file and make the file more readable. If you ran this utility against the data file, the LZPS job will not be able to read any records in the file. Re-copy the data file from the CD and start the upload process again.

• If you have recently run an upload and are attempting to upload the same data again, there will be no new records eligible to be copied to the City/State/Zip table.

How often do I need to upload new postal code data?

The U.S. Postal Service provides updated data files on a periodic basis. See their web site for more information.

Does the postal code data upload also create tax rate information?

The LZPS job does not create Zip/City/State Tax records. You can use the Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP) option to create tax records at the postal code level if needed; however, you might not need these records at the postal code level if you set tax rates at the SCF level, or if you use the generic tax integration to calculate tax.

There are still records in the USPS City/State/Zip work table. Does this indicate a problem?

This does not indicate a problem. The LZPS job does not clear the records in the work table after processing an upload; instead, it clears the records when it begins a new upload.

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