Java Puzzles To Eliminate Code Fear Free Download


An Android 8-puzzle implementation, with many game sizes and user's photo as background, instead of numbered tiles. Requires Android 2.2 Froyo or later.


Free Download Udemy Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear. With the help of this course you can The fastest way to actually master Java programming and become a dangerous developer! This course was created by Imtiaz Ahmad. It was rated 4.8 out of 5 by approx 4463 ratings. There are approx 42067 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to. Apr 19, 2013 Download Jigsaw Puzzle for free. A traditional jigsaw puzzle game. Use your own images and create unique puzzles each time.

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In this part of the Java games tutorial, we create a Java Puzzle game clone.The source code and the image can be foud at the author's GithubPuzzle-game-in-Java-Swingrepository.

Java Puzzles To Eliminate Code Fear Free Download

Java puzzle game points

  • Using Swing and Java 2D graphics to build the game.
  • Randomly shuffling buttons with Collections.shuffle().
  • Loading image with
  • Resizing image with BufferedImage.
  • Cropping image with CropImageFilter.
  • Layout out buttons with GridLayout.
  • Using two ArrayLists of points to check for solution.

Java puzzle game example

The goal of this little game is to form a picture. Buttons containing imagesare moved by clicking on them. Only buttons adjacent to the empty button can be moved.

We use an image of a Sid character from the Ice Age movie. We scale the image and cut it into twelve pieces. These pieces are used by JButton components. The last piece is not used; we have an empty button instead. You candownload some reasonably large picture and use it in this game.

When we hover a mouse pointer over the button, its border changes to yellowcolour.


There is one button that we call the last button. It is a button that does not havean image. Other buttons swap space with this one.

The image that we use to form is scaled to have the desired width. With the getNewHeight() method we calculate the new height, keeping theimage's ratio.

The solution array list stores the correct order of buttons which formsthe image. Each button is identified by one Point.

We use a GridLayout to store our components. The layout consists of 4 rows and 3 columns.

CropImageFilter is used to cut a rectangular shape fromthe already resized image source. It is meant to be used in conjunction with a FilteredImageSource object to produce cropped versions of existing images.

Buttons are identified by their position client property. It is a point containing the button's correct row and colum position in the picture. These properties are used to find out if we have thecorrect order of buttons in the window.

The button with no image is called the last button; it is placed at theend of the grid in the bottom-right corner. It is the button that swapsits position with the adjacent button that is being clicked. We set its isLastButtonflag with the setLastButton() method.

We randomly reorder the elements of the buttons list.The last button, i.e. the button with no image, is inserted atthe end of the list. It is not supposed to be shuffled, it alwaysgoes at the end when we start the Puzzle game.

All the components from the buttons list are placed on the panel. We create some gray border around the buttons andadd a click action listener.

The getNewHeight() method calculates the height of the imagebased on the desired width. The image's ratio is kept. We scale the image using these values.

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A JPG image is loaded from the disk. ImageIO'sread()method returns a BufferedImage, which is Swing's important classfor manipulating images.

The original image is resized by creating a new BufferedImage withnew dimensions. We paint from the original image into this new buffered image.

Buttons are stored in an array list. This list is then mapped to thegrid of the panel. We get the indexes of the last button and the clickedbutton. They are swapped using the Collections.swap() if they are adjacent.

The updateButtons() method maps the list to thepanel's grid. First, all components are removed with the removeAll()method. A for loop is used to go trough the buttons listto add the reordered buttons back to the panel's layout manager. Finally, the validate() method implements the new layout.

Solution checking is done by comparing the list of points of the correctlyordered buttons with the current list containg the order of buttons fromthe window. A message dialog is shown in case the solution is reached.

Java Puzzles To Eliminate Code Fear Free Download Free

This was a Puzzle game created in Java.